Hits The Fan (2012)
by The Shit
Burger Records - BRGR234 - 00/00/2012


1Nuclear War (written by Ryan Adams)
2Judy Garland (written by Ryan Adams)
3Bob's Garage (written by Ryan Adams)
4Stop Committing Suicide (written by Ryan Adams)
5Drunk Santa (written by Ryan Adams)
6Rat Crew (written by Ryan Adams)
7Internet Is A Robot (written by Ryan Adams)
8Punks Don't Understand (written by Ryan Adams)
9Punk As Fuck (written by Ryan Adams)
101-800-www.COM (written by Ryan Adams)

Performance statistics

TitleTimes playedDebutLast played
Nuclear WarNever played live
Judy Garland102006-10-032006-12-06
Bob's GarageNever played live
Stop Committing SuicideNever played live
Drunk SantaNever played live
Rat CrewNever played live
Internet Is A RobotNever played live
Punks Don't UnderstandNever played live
Punk As FuckNever played live
1-800-www.COMNever played live