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News search results for: The Times
Results found: 5(1) 2023-04-10
Uncancelled, but is Ryan Adams forgiven? (The Times)The star returns to the UK for his first performance here since his 2019 tour was called off amid allegations of sexual exploitation. Sean O’Neill reports
(2) 2023-04-10
Ryan Adams review — a lonely rock star hunts for redemption (The Times)Glasgow Royal Concert Hall review
(3) 2017-09-26
Pop review: Ryan Adams at the Royal Albert Hall (3 out of 5 stars) (The Times)Adams showcased his versatile abilities: thoughtful singer-songwriter, maudlin country balladeer, bar-room rock’n’roller
(4) 2017-02-17
Pop: Ryan Adams: Prisoner (****) (The Times)Prisoner is a career-best for Ryan Adams and cements his status as a songwriter of sensitivity and depth.
(5) 2017-02-12
Album of the week: Ryan Adams - Prisoner (The Times)The music that heartbreak has drawn from songwriters over the decades has resulted in a discrete category — the break-up album — that includes some of the greatest records ever made.